Fiscal conservatives like Rand Paul will be omitted to ensure unconstitutional body can fast track tax increases
Paul Joseph Watson
Senators who voted against the debt ceiling hike will be barred from being on the panel of the unconstitutional “Super Congress,” as the Washington elite ensures all roadblocks to crippling tax increases and other planned assaults on the constitution are removed.
According to The Weekly Standard, Republican sources have confirmed that the likes of Rand Paul, Jim DeMint and other fiscal conservatives will be dismissed as choices for the new super committee partly as a punishment for their failure to back the debt hike and most importantly to prevent any obstacles to the committee passing tax hikes and entitlement cuts.
“Excluding those who vote against the debt deal will ensure that some of the most fiscally conservative members of the Senate Republican caucus, including most of its freshmen, will be reading about the committee’s activities in the newspaper rather than guiding its decisions,” writes Stephen F. Haynes.
“Among those who have already declared their opposition to the deal: libertarian-leaning senators Mike Lee and Rand Paul; Jim DeMint, the aggressive fiscal hawk from South Carolina; conservative reformers Ron Johnson from Wisconsin and Pat Toomey from Pennsylvania; the ranking member on the Senate Budget Committee, Jeff Sessions; and Florida’s Marco Rubio, already one of the highest-profile conservatives in Congress.”
Despite Mitch McConnell, who will make the selections for the panel, promising that the committee won’t raise taxes, immediately before voting began on the debt bill today Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) promised that “painful” tax increases would be enacted by the committee or that automatic triggers will kick in which mandate spending cuts of at least $1.2 trillion.
In addition, the Obama administration has already indicated that it will take the deciding vote as the de facto 13th member of the Super Congress. During his press briefing yesterday, White House press secretary Jay Carney said that the government would work with the Super Congress to hike taxes in 2012 and beyond.
McConnell has proven he cannot be trusted. Earlier this month, the Kentucky Republican proposed reaching an agreement on the debt hike by completely handing over the power of the purse, constitutionally held by Congress, to the executive branch, by transferring the authority over to President Obama for the remainder of his term.
The fact that McConnell will be the main player on the super committee virtually guarantees it will be exploited to further eviscerate the constitution.
As we have documented, legislation decided on by the Super Congress would be immune from amendment and lawmakers would only be able to register an up or down vote, eliminating the ability to filibuster. The Speaker of the House would effectively lose the power to prevent unpopular bills from making it to the House floor.
Harry Reid has already insisted there will be “no constraints” on the committee and that it will have “the ability to look at everything,” prompting concerns that gun control legislation and all manner of other issues could be on the table.
Given the fact that the “Super Congress” is brazenly being established as a weapon with which to butcher what remains of the constitution and the rule of law, it’s hardly a surprise that Washington insiders have already moved to ensure that the few lawmakers in DC who are not completely corrupt and compromised will have no say in how it operates.
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