JOHANNESBURG — A coup attempt in Madagascar appeared to be foundering yesterday as the military officers who claimed to be taking over the country instead spent the day in their barracks.
Calm prevailed in Antananarivo, the capital.
On Wednesday, the officers announced that all government institutions would be suspended and that they would soon be occupying the airport and the presidential palace.
But those plans seemed to have met unforeseen problems, and the officers, who include the former army chief of staff, Noel Rakotonandrasana, were making no further public appearances.
On Wednesday, President Andry Rajoelina — himself elevated to power by mutinous officers in 2009 — said most of the military supported him.
Early yesterday, there were reports that the government was involved in talks with the discontented soldiers.
But one of the ringleaders, Colonel Charles Andrianasoavina, told Reuters via telephone: “There are no negotiations. It isn’t us who will make the first steps.’’
Madagascar, an impoverished nation of 20 million people off Africa’s eastern coast, has been in political turmoil for almost two years.
Rajoelina assumed power from a democratically elected president, Marc Ravalomanana, whose popularity had waned amid charges that he was using his power to pursue his own financial interests.
Whatever Ravalomanana’s flaws, he had been voted into office twice; international donors, vital to the development of the country, considered his ousting reason enough to withhold aid.
Rajoelina has made several efforts to return to the good graces of the world, though holding onto the presidency seems his foremost goal.
On Wednesday, he asked citizens to vote on a new constitution, a document seen by Rajoelina’s foes as a crafty way for him to remain in office.
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