How many states are going to have to deal with unfunded mandates that far exceed $50 million dollars and into the tens of billions of dollars each year and pertain to a host of services that will have to be funded by the federal gov't under ObamaCare?
If the unfunded mandates are funded, that would skyrocket the actual cost of ObamaCare.
Something else to add to the mix:
1.) The commerce clause deals with the regulation of commerce. How can the gov't regulate commerce if someone doesn't engage in commerce?
2.) How can the gov't force people to buy and sell and work jobs to buy and sell and engage in commerce? The gov't cannot force someone to work, so they cannot force them to engage in commerce.
Given the commerce clause deals with the regulation of commerce, the gov't therefore cannot force anyone to purchase health insurance coverage under ObamaCare, per 1 & 2.
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