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Monday, April 25, 2011

Ron Paul To Announce 2012 Presidential Run Within Days

Texas Congressman Ron Paul could be set to officially announce whether or not he is running for the Republican 2012 nomination this week with a series of back to back high profile media appearances.
The Libertarian favorite is scheduled to appear today on The View, Hannity, and The Colbert Report. Officially these appearances are to promote Paul’s new book, Liberty Defined, yet they could serve as a platform for the announcement the Congressman’s supporters have been awaiting with baited breath for months.
The first meaningful 2012 debate is set for May 5th, a week Thursday, as Fox News and the Republican Party of South Carolina host a debate among Republican candidates at the Peace Center in Greenville, S.C.

In order to be included in the debate, candidates must meet certain criteria by April 29th.
Eligibility requirements include registering a presidential exploratory committee or presidential campaign with the Federal Election Commission; filing paperwork to be on the ballot for president in South Carolina; paying a $25,000 filing fee to the state Republican Party; and averaging 1 percent in the five most recent national polls.
In comments to the Spartanburg Herald Journal last week, Ron Paul’s campaign manager Jesse Benton said that the Congressman will meet the criteria and will participate in the debate. Indeed, the Congressman has begun setting up a presidential exploratory committee, to “test the waters” for a formal run.
“…as a final decision draws closer, his team has put the pieces in place for him to flip a switch and hit the ground running if he decides to run for president.” Benton told Politico.
Benton also said that Paul would base a decision to run in 2012 in part on the response he receives at the May 5 debate.
The latest reports indicate that former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, former Governor from Minnesota Tim Pawlenty, former Louisiana governor Buddy Roemer, and former US Senator Rick Santorum will also be participating in the debate.
Gary Franchi reports on the Congressman’s likely 2012 run:

Following the Fox News debate, the next scheduled event is a CNN sponsored debate in New Hampshire on June 7th.
Meanwhile Ron Paul’s Liberty Defined reached a high of number nine on’s bestsellers chart last week. Now at number 26 overall, the book is still currently the top selling political publication with the online giant.
Help push Ron Paul’s Liberty Defined back into the top ten and help support the Congressman’s imminent Presidential run! Buy the book here.

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