“While the Tea Party Express has not endorsed a presidential candidate at this time, Michele Bachmann garners strong Tea Party support because of her work and commitment to restoring fiscal responsibility to Washington, D.C.,” Tea Party Express Chairman Amy Kremer said.
Earlier this month, Bachmann finished behind former House Speaker Newt Gingrich in a straw poll conducted by the national Tea Party Patriots group. Another Tea Party group, American Majority, called on Bachmann to quit the race and narrow the field for what they described as more viable Republican presidential candidates, according to the AOL-Huffington Post.
“The Tea Party Express is committed to finding and endorsing the strongest conservative candidate to take on President Barack Obama next year. In order to develop the best candidate, we must allow for a competitive process in Iowa and the early primary and other caucus states,” Kremer said. “Let’s let the voters in Iowa choose the leading candidates to go forward from the many excellent candidates we have.”
On December 20, the corporate media was obliged to admit that the front-funner in Iowa is Rep. Ron Paul from Texas. Despite his popularity in a number of polls, the Republican establishment – including the Republican hijacked Tea Party – has decided to ignore him and lose the race against Obama next November.
Bachmann’s campaign claims she is almost as popular in Iowa as Ron Paul. An automated poll conducted by WeAskAmerica.com surveyed 1,250 Iowa GOP voters and found support for Paul at 19 percent, followed by Mitt Romney at 18 percent, Newt Gingrich at 16 percent, Bachmann at 15 percent, Rick Perry at 11 percent, Rick Santorum at 9 percent and Jon Huntsman at 4 percent, the Des Moines Register reported on December 23.
“Bachmann’s poll support is not near enough to Paul’s to be within the margin of error — she’s four points back, while the survey’s purported margin of error is 2.77 percent,” notes Jason Noble, writing for the Iowa newspaper.
The Tea Party Express was founded as a project of the political action committee Our Country Deserves Better PAC by Republican party members Howard Kaloogian and Sal Russo of the GOP political consulting firm Russo Marsh and Rogers.
The Tea Party Express, FreedomWorks, the advocacy group headed by former House Majority Leader Dick Armey of Texas, and Tea Party Patriots form the core of the establishment’s version of the once libertarian movement. FreedomWorks receives most of its funding from Richard Scaife and the Sarah Scaife Foundation.
Scaife is allegedly a CIA operative and his media operation Forum World Features at one time functioned as a CIA propaganda outlet.
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