The bidding is over at the Iowa GOP's Ames real estate auction and Ron Paul has emerged a winner.
A source tells Maggie that Paul placed the highest bid for a straw poll location, coming away with the spot Mitt Romney had in 2008. The low bidder of sorts was Newt Gingrich, who was represented by a young volunteer and ultimately did not place a bid at all.
-Ron Paul was the highest bidder for a lot for $31,000.00
-McCotter bought a lot for $18,000.00, he was the second highest bidder
-Michele Bachmann and Herman Cain where the next highest bidders, with each getting a lot for $17,000.00.
-Rick Santorum spent $16,000.00 for his lot.
-Pawlenty ended up spending $15,000.00 for a less desirable lot.
-Newt Gingrich was represented at the meeting but did not bid.
- Overall the Iowa GOP $114,000
McCotter's $18,000 bid is the clearest sign yet that he's really going to run for president. A source says he was represented by Iowa lobbyist Kellie Paschke, who triggered a brief walkout by refusing to identify the candidate she was working with.
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