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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Obama-Osama: Your Daily Psy Op

by K.R. Nilsen

On May 1. 2011, to the day exactly 235 years after the founding of Illuminate, US president Obama proudly announced that the US military had killed the "most wanted terrorist" in the world, Osama Bin Laden. And after this crime, where a man was apparently sentenced and murdered without any trial whatsoever, people all over the world are rejoicing and dancing in the streets!

Amazing - a tasteless and morbid celebration of murder on Illuminati day, exactly according the spirit of that organization.

There are, however, a couple more points that make all of this smell even more:

1. Funny that this happens right at the time where the birth certificate controversy is at its highest. What greater diversion could have been cooked up, than this? President Obama is apparently a very "lucky" guy, and the timing is just perfect.

2. Bin Laden was hastily buried, on the grounds that the US military had such a great respect for Islamic burial traditions. However, this did not apply when Saddam's sons were killed: they were kept for 11 days before burial, and displayed for all the world to see. And we all know about the tendency of great warlords, to put their captives and causalities in public display, for gathering whatever "honor" the masses can give them. You tell me that the US military/government has no such tendency anymore?

3. Now if the US military was so keen to observe Islamic burial traditions, why then did they allegedly bury Bin Laden at sea, when this is strictly prohibited in Islamic tradition? You tell me they respected one part of the tradition so much that they had to break another part of the same tradition? How stupid can these people possibly think that we are?

4. In no culture in this world is it preferred to bury people at sea. Everybody intuitively knows that having someone buried in the ground, is the preferred option. Why, because we then know where they are, of course. And more important: we know they are dead, leaving no room for uncertainty whatsoever. And with uncertainty gone, the eventual process of grief can then start with its healing effects. Bottom line is that the US military command perfectly knew and understood that burying the guy at sea was not in accord with any tradition whatsoever, and would provoke reactions and tough questions. There absolutely has to be some other reason for doing this. What could that possibly be...?

5. Of course the US military and the White House is now being challenged on whether they really killed Bin Laden on May 1. John Brennan, Barack Obama's counter-terrorism adviser said: "We are going to do everything we can to make sure that nobody has any basis to try to deny that we got Osama bin Laden."

Sorry guys, too late. If you really meant what you said here, why dump the guy at sea, effectively abandoning the only real evidence that could convince the skeptics: a dead body.

6. We then have the congressional statements of various CIA people that Bin Laden was killed in late 2001 or early 2002. This also coincides with the fact that the US hunt for Bin Laden was dramatically reduced after 2002. From regarding him as the "number one priority", president Bush Jr. later claimed that he "did not care" at all where Bin Laden was. What an incredible 180 degree turnaround regarding the so-called "world's most wanted man"! There can be only one reason for this change of attitude.

7. The US military command well knows that doing their thing this way, is going to provoke a lot of contention. Some will come from the Islamic parts of the world, but the heaviest allegations are going to be domestic, splitting the US population even more. The timing is perfect too, as the critique of president Obama is mounting. Just another example of the Illuminati strategy of divide-and-conquer, further dividing the US of A. All of this is probably done to make the "conspiracy theorists", meaning anyone not buying what the powers-that-be declare in their ex-cathedra statements as pure and unadulterated truth, look really stupid. Yet another attack on anyone trying to think for themselves.

Without a body, this issue will obviously never go to rest, but rather separate the population further into "trusters" and "skeptics" regarding the US government. Further, Bin Laden was allegedly executed on May 1., the same date as Illuminate was founded on, in 1776. Hey, what an interesting coincidence - how strange indeed! All of this is going to feed endless speculation and contention, and in reality we have yet another 9/11 to think about now, instead of a resolve of the original one as allegedly intended.

The crazy thing about all of this, is that the guy has probably been dead for almost 10 years already. Seems like some people are kind of hard to kill, especially the ones created by the CIA and the US military to be scapegoats in their own evil schemes.

With Bin Laden officially gone, who is now going to be the new scapegoat? Take your pick, but I'll put my 5 cents on a US domestic group: big-government skeptics in general, and "conspiracy theorists" in particular. Chances are, there has now been a sea change - better get ready for some action.

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