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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Haiti-Diaspora: Pros and cons of dual citizenship as proposed?

Members of the Haitian community have opined at a sidewalk made by micro PNH in the U.S. Friday, at the preparatory text of the amendment of the constitution around dual citizenship. This text provides that they may claim a nationality other qu'haïtienne once in the country.

"I have no problem being on Haitian soil of Haiti and the U.S. in Boston ... It's more a chance for us, because we will better know the realities of both countries," said Reginald Haiti Press Network naturalized U.S. after university.

"This amendment on nationality will offer the opportunity for those who remain Haitians in heart and mind to work abroad as long as they want and go at any time in Haiti when they want," Kettly believed, married a U.S. citizen.

"This will benefit from the contribution of all those professors of Haitian origin who make the heyday of Canadian and American universities, because they could work together in the U.S., in Montreal ... and deliver lectures to the State University of Haiti. Everyone would benefit, "she says.

"Concretely, this means that someone who lives in Haiti as qu'Haïtien (eg making use of its national identification card) is treated as such and can not rely on his other nationality to benefit, for example, measures more favorable reserved for foreigners, "decrypts Samuel, residing in Malden.

For Regine, who works at Macy's, "it is more advantageous to have dual nationality, because there are some companies in Haiti which require foreign nationals."
"With dual nationality you got any problems, but be only Haitian in Haiti could complicate things," she objected.

"There is no question of dual nationality or recovery of Haitian nationality, but some favors, I found justified, given to native-born Haitians who have taken another nationality", for its part believes Stephen agent Transportation Security Administration at Logan Airport.

"Why should we return home to become Haitians and Haitian invest when the law is clear. Our children born American will they have the right to inherit?" Daniel is concerned, the manager of a restaurant in Mattapan .

"I am for this law if, once the territory of Haiti, the Haitian-American, the Haitian-Canadian and all other Haitians living abroad can enjoy the right to elect or be elected," opines another Haitian-American speaking on condition of anonymity.

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