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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Corsi: Trump Conspired With Obama To Neutralize Birther Controversy

Corsi: Trump Conspired With Obama To Neutralize Birther Controversy 230511top

As he prepares to release shocking new evidence and name the people who he claims were behind the forgery of Barack Obama’s long form birth certificate, author Jerome Corsi sensationally accused short-lived Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump of “working with Obama” to neutralize the birther controversy.
Appearing on the Alex Jones Show, Corsi said that he now completely discounted the apparent efforts of Donald Trump to force the release of Obama’s birth certificate, stating, “I’m completely convinced at this point Donald Trump was subterfuge, that he…. was working with Obama.”

Corsi explained how he was contacted directly by Trump, because Trump wanted to know what was going on behind the scenes, and that he requested several copies of Corsi’s book before it was released.
Trump’s role according to Corsi was to “beat the drums big” and craft a false resolution to the controversy in order to make the press “go to sleep” and get his $60 million dollar television contract with NBC, owned by General Electric, which is closely allied with the Obama administration.
Regarding who actually helped the administration create the forgery, Corsi pointed out that “they were stuck with the guys who were close to them,” because putting out a proposal for outside experts to forge the document would have been far too risky.
“I’m pretty well on the trail of linking the characteristics of this document to someone who’s going to have a lot of explaining to do,” said Corsi, adding that he was “hot on the trail” of one individual who “may have had a hand in this,” and that his identity would be released this week.
“The forger is someone who does not work in government, he works in the media and is close to the administration and would have been within the circle of friends that may have been called on to do the forgery or participate in the forgery,” said Corsi.
Corsi said that the information contained in his book, Where’s the Birth Certificate?, and the new revelations he was about to unleash would mean the Obama administration “would not survive,” because the evidence proves the administration has tried to preserve itself using “criminal fraud”.
“I got a call about three weeks before it was released from one of my sources in Hawaii and I was told that the new long form birth certificate had been forged, had been slipped into the log book,” said Corsi, noting that efforts to create the fake began shortly after reporter Mike Evans let slip that Hawaii Governor and close friend Neil Abercrombie had been shocked at his failure to find Obama’s long form birth certificate, and were timed to pre-empt the release of Corsi’s book.
During the interview, Corsi listed numerous examples of where the new birth certificate was clearly forged, including an obvious misspelling on the stamp and a “smiley face” that appears in the signature of the doctor once the document is blown up to 800 per cent, both of which don’t occur in the hundreds of other examples of the signature that Corsi has studied.
The letters in the document also share identical pixelations despite the fact that they are purportedly from a typewriter, which would produce different pixelations if transferred to an electronic document every time. The identical pixelations prove that the document was created on a modern computer.
Another aspect of the birth certificate pointing to forgery is the fact that the electronic PDF document released by the White House clearly shows evidence of ‘kerning’ – where parts of letters overlap each other for a pleasing visual effect – this is produced by modern computers and was not possible on 1960′s typewriters.
“The administration will not show the original, in 1961 there were no computers, where’s the original paper birth certificate if it exists?” asked Corsi, adding that the original document needs to undergo forensic analysis. Corsi visited the Hawaii Department of Health as well as the Kapi’olani Medical Center in an attempt to see the original certificate or patient records for Obama’s mother Ann Dunham, but was told that police would be called if he didn’t vacate the premises.
During an interview with a Denver radio station last week, Corsi said he was about to release bombshell evidence that proved the alleged Obama birth certificate released last month was a composite of three different birth certificates from other individuals born at the same hospital.
“I’m going to be telling the entire world about this scandal over the next few weeks,” Corsi said in a separate interview. “This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison.”
In an effort to derail the success of Corsi’s book, Esquire Magazine then put out a hoax article claiming that publisher Joseph Farah had ordered the book to be pulled from store shelves. Farah is considering whether to launch a lawsuit in response.

Watch Corsi’s full interview with Alex Jones below.

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