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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Why not try a 'pro-gun' self-defense TV show?

Gun Rights Examiner

The mission statement for a new "Authorized Journalistanti-gun agitprop campaign could not be more clear:
DCTV’s Beyond Bullets, a new media campaign to quell America's gun violence epidemic, is nearing launch and has stories to tell that are both heartbreaking and empowering. DCTV has hired six early-career video journalists to embed in high-crime communities in all five boroughs. Over the next eight months, they and an army of other young media-makers will produce an ongoing series of reports exploring the tragedy of gun violence and its solutions.
What, in Bloomberg Paradise? Oh, that's right, they get all their guns "illegally" from locales that don't have such draconian restrictions—and curiously, that don't have such a violence problem, either. One of the "solutions" offered by the antis, of course, is to impose nationwide restrictions on all of us—that is, when they're not complaining that recognizing rights throughout the Republic is an assault on "home rule."

That the program sending forth young 
Padawans...I mean, journalists, won't even pretend to balance is a given:
This month, our video journalists are covering New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, one of Beyond Bullets’ prominent partners, in their struggle to end gun violence in New York.
"Prominent partners."

As long as advocacy programming is part of the mix, there's no shortage of truthful stories to be told about armed defense.

Which brings me to 
a suggestion I linked to on my WarOnGuns blog a few years back:
Numerous bloggers as well as the NRA have long cataloged the fleeting newspaper accounts of firearms being used defensively to protect life and property.

How about a weekly docu-drama TV show that recreates some of these news stories where civilian possession of a firearm saves a life?
That tied in perfectly with a program outline I'd developed several years before that for producing just such a show. Click here to read that proposal.

Reality programming is comparatively cheap to make, which is why there's so much of it, and based on the fact that there 
is so much of it, people evidently watch it.

I think it's past time such a program was attempted. I bet it could even be a hit if it were done right, like, say, per my outline.  I bet it would even draw a lot more viewers than the sob-sister hoplophobes could ever hope to bring in.

Restore the Constitution

As I've 
talked about recently, I'll be speaking at two rallies on Monday: TheSecond Amendment March and Restore the Constitution.

RTC has put out a press release that you can get by 
clicking here, and they're asking for our help to spread the word.

I hope you spread the word for both events, and hope to see many of you attend. If you haven't really thought about it or made plans, but live within a few hours of the DC area, why 
not make a day of it? 
I certainly intend to give CSGV more cause to have the vapors over "extreme" rhetoric.

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