The Gross National Debt:

Student Loan Debt

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A tribute to our soldiers at war time

We our at war and if you watch TV, other than the news stations and the political propaganda, you wouldn't know it. So I am going to help you understand what it felt like for me when I was a child, at grandmothers house on Sunday, after dinner we sat down to a good war movie and I would play with my army men, even back then I knew I was safe in my home and that I lived in the greatest place on earth. I remember what it meant to be a super power, a winner, a champion, the greatest of all time.

My children don't feel this. Today they are caught up in the Twilight books and popular music, numb to the fact that we're at war. War is not even discussed in school, nor are the students allowed to say a prayer for our troops. I play this music you are about to here in my house and they watch the videos cause I want them to feel the strength, safety and warmth I felt when I was young.

We are Americans, strong, proud and unapologetic. Are land has been defiled by our enemies, we have so-called leadership that travels the world to apologies for our arrogance and lack of concern for the needs of the world, while the Federal Reserves digs in our pockets to assist the very people who are being apologies-ed to.

The battle cry is on and we will win!!


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