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Thursday, October 8, 2009

White House Sees Progress From Talks With Iran?

You can't negotiate with a dictator or a madman, and unfortunately, Ahmadinejad is both

Aaron Cantor Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What kind of hallucinigens have these idiots been sniffing?

The Associated Press is reporting, that the White House is encouraged with what it sees as signs of progress in confronting Iran’s nuclear program.

“The fact that Iran came to the table and seemingly showed some degree of cooperation, I think is a good thing,” said retiredMarine General and former Commandant of the Marine Corps, James Jones the national security advisor to the president.

General if you really believe that tripe, you are living in fantasyland right along side of your boss.

I will ask this question again as I have in previous columns, have any of you inept stumbelbums ever heard of Neville Chamberlain?

Neville tried to negotiate with Hitler, who played him like a fish on a line, and all he got for his effort was a Nazi Jackboot in his butt.

You people seem to have the attitude that “Oh We are so much smarter than you common people, we know how to negotiate, and WE understand the ART of Diplomacy”.

Personally I think you all matriculated at Dumkopf University, where you majored in stupidity and minored in idiocy.

How many times does history have to jump up and bite you in the butt before you clowns realize you can’t negotiate with a dictator or a madman, and unfortunately, Ahmadinejad is both.

El Baradai, the head of the IAEA has either been played by the Iranians or has been looking the other way (I am not sure which), they have lied to us at every turn, so there is absolutely no reason to believe them now, they have proved they can’t be trusted.

If you oh so brilliant politicians and negotiators swallow this load of fertilizer, I will tell you what you can expect IN THE NOT TOO DISTANT FUTURE, A large flash of light about a thousand times brighter than our sun, and for about 1/1000 of a second before you are incinerated into oblivion, in that fleeting instant you will realize that you have been conned by a madman.

The Associated Press article went on to say, suspicions about Iran’s nuclear intentions have risen steadily along with fears—and some evidence—Tehran wants to build an atomic bomb, and is using what it calls a civilian nuclear energy program as cover. The Iranians are under three sets of U.N. penalties for refusing to stop enriching uranium, a key first step toward building a bomb. Of course they totally ignore the U.N. sanctions (why shouldn’t they, who is going to enforce them?).

“Our whole approach is predicated on an urgent need to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapons capacity,” said SusanRice, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.

“Right now, we are in a period of intense negotiations. It is not an infinite period, it’s a very finite period,” she said.

Yeah sure; URGENT, INTENSE, FINITE, what a load of fertilizer

I think George Patton and Bull Halsey both would have said ; Pull the Plug on this little Jerk!

Iran ships it’s oil overseas to be refined because they really don’t have refining capacity themselves, so if we blockade the Straights of Hormuz, they will run out of gasoline and along with disrupting their banking ability, that will cripple their economy to the point of GAME OVER!

Message to the Commander In Chief:

If something needs to be done so urgently,


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