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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Avoiding the Criticism-of-Obama-is-Racism Game

How to Avoid the “your-criticism-of-Obama-is-racism” Game. Focusing on the Invisible Government, not the Visible One.

I think many of us notice by now that the mass media treats absolute any criticism of Obama as racism. They say, for example, “oh yes, it’s just so obviousthat those town hall protesters can’t handle a black President,” as if you’d be utterly insane to question that “obvious” conclusion—just like how the New World Order’s corporatized media helped then-President Bush and told us it was so obvious that Iraq was a threat to us back in 2002-2003 (and before), and just like it’s was so so obvious that the story we got about 9/11 checked out, and just like Glen Beck says it’s sooooo obvious that there are no FEMA concentration camps. But back to Obama… Perhaps all those people that voted for him and gave him a high approval rating months ago, but now have changed their minds are, um… racist? I have not heard any corporate media scoundrel yet say that if you oppose Obama’s wars in Pakistan, Afghanistan, or Iraq you are racist, but as soon as the Iran war drums get going (which seems to be looming on the horizon), I anticipate that this is likely. So, that means that our “anti-war” president is now so immune to criticism that if you ask him to do what he initially said and end the wars you are racist.

Now, here’s the issue: the New World Order’s mainstream media is going to endlessly drive us all crazy with this false “your-criticism-of-Obama-is-racism” bit, and for a while they may succeed in-part in killing much of the criticism. Some Americans probably already have it in their minds (due to this mass media inculcation) that they really are racist if they criticize. So this is all just a mess. But this is all really our fault, I think: we took the New World Order’s bate. We never really should have focused our energy on Obama much, but we did. Any energy we have focused on him was energy we took away from the real enemy: the New World Order that puppet-Obama works for.

So, here’s the way out of it: we need to realize that we don’t necessarily need to be criticizing him in the first place, because he’s just a puppet of the New World Order. So, the way out of this “your-criticism-of-Obama-is-racism” game that the mass corporate media wants us to enter into and fight with each other over is to move our criticism fully to the New World Order. If we are going to be doing any criticizing (rather than just ignoring the NWO-controllers and practicing civil disobedience, which is the real solution, as MLK showed), we need to move our criticizing-focus fully onto the Trilateral Group, the CIA, the IMF, the WTO, the WHO, Ford, Rockefeller, the heads of the world religions, Microsoft, the World Bank, the clandestine groups in the UN, Google, the CFR, the FDA, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, the USDA, Monsanto, 3M, GE, and so on. These are all the real controllers, the real perpetrators in our lessening existence: the highest levels of the New World Order that anybody really knows about. And guess what? This is exactly what the New World Order does not want us to do, it is what the New World Order fears: that we turn our eyes on to them, instead of just looking at the low-level puppets of the New World Order, as they hope we do. Obama, really, has utterly nothing to do with anything. He’s just the actor chosen by the New World Order to titillate us as he smiles into the camera and says, “I want to help you, I am here for you.” Therefore, he is no more significant than, say, Janet Jackson, Bono, Katie Couric, or Rush Windbag. If we never uttered a peep about Obama and the government (that is, the visiblegovernment), ignoring them fully and focusing all our efforts on the real government (that is, the invisible government), then we’d really see results, and the globalists would probably panic. This video shows how rather absurd it is that we focus on the puppet levels of the New World Order, rather than on the New World Order itself: Your LIfe is a LIE

-Jeffrey Grupp,

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