It said Justice Minister Knut Storberget at a press conference today. - Today Norway is affected by two shocking, bloody and cowardly attack, said the Prime Minister.

(Dagbladet) - Today Norway is affected by two shocking, bloody and cowardly attack. This is a demanding evening, and the days ahead will demand even more. Norway to work together in these times. We mourn our dead, we suffer the hurtful and support the families, said Jens Stoltenberg in a press conference. - It's all about the attack on the innocent youth in summer camp. An attack on us all, he continued. - I have a message for those who attack us: they shall not destroy our democracy and our commitment to a better world. We are a proud nation, and no one can bomb us into silence.
Justice Minister Knut Storberget said that the arrested perpetrator is Norwegian.
- So far we have been informed that there are seven dead in Oslo, ten severely injured. Several of our young people are killed, more are also missing and injured. One person has been arrested in connection with this, and I have been informed that he is Norwegian. He denies that it has entered the religious Storberget says that it is a very bad day for Norway. - Our main task number one as a society when something like this happens is to save life, to be present for those involved in such vast and cowardly acts. We use and have used all available resources to follow up these two serious incidents, he said.
- Cowardly
Prime Minister Stoltenberg says he will give credit to the police, health professionals and others who do what they have been able to save lives.
- We must never cease to stand up for our values. We must show that the answer to violence with more democracy and more and more humanity, but never naive. We owe unite and their relatives. - A political summer camp is one of the most beautiful we have in our democracy, and it is therefore particularly sinister and brutal, and particularly cowardly.
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