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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Aide: Obama "abruptly" exits tense budget talks

Obama, Reid, McConnell
As negotiations continue over raising the nation's debt ceiling to avoid any potential default on America's fiscal obligations, the daily meetings at the White House on the subject have been getting more tense, people familiar with the negotiations tell CBS News.
Wednesday's meeting was the most tense meeting of the week, a GOP aide told CBS News. In fact, the president ended the meeting by abruptly leaving the room.

A White House official, however, told reporters that President Obama did not, in fact, storm out of the room.

Instead, Obama reportedly gave an impassioned statement to the congressional leaders at the end of the meeting, saying "enough's enough" with respect to delay and refusal to compromise.

The president reportedly told the group, "I've been very patient" and that he wants agreement now. The officials said the president ended his statement, stood up and headed back to his office.

During the meeting, Speaker of the House John Boehner reportedly challenged the President to offer real spending cuts. He said the gimmicks and accounting tricks that Washington has used for decades are not applicable here, according to the GOP aide.

When White House officials allegedly attempted to justify budgetary gimmicks, the House Speaker John Boehner said pointedly and, "We're not doing that anymore," according to the GOP aide.

A Democratic aide described the meeting in different terms to CBS News, saying the participants - who are party leaders from both the Senate and the House - had a constructive conversation on the numbers, and talked specifics.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor reportedly kept pushing for a short-term deal, which President Obama promised to veto if it reached his desk.

Democrats are reportedly still eager for a large compromise, even though their Republican counterparts insist that is impossible.

Both sides will resume negotiations Thursday afternoon.

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