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Friday, May 13, 2011

Where Have all the Real Men Gone?


by Maureen Smith

"I've been a mother for 16 a single one....struggling like everyone to keep from going completely under. Have been a massage therapist since 92.......My son is 16 and my daughter is 11. I 'm quite upset about the change that's been brought from feminism. We women CANNOT be everything.......I am instinctively a nurturer, trying to play two roles as a mother is impossible to do."

I for one would like to know just where the real men went?

Now, you might look around and say they haven't gone anywhere! Bull, I'm talking about real men. Men with integrity. Nobody wants to stand for anything! Not for their God! Not for their God-given rights! Not for their Families! Not for Love!

What happened to the instinct to protect families and loved ones? I see energy going into trivial pursuits...sports....drugs....sexual conquests......competition over the superficial. I see the world crumbling around us and ask why no one cares enough to consider where all of this is taking us....

Now, before you start getting upset I won't leave out the women's role.
It makes me sick to see women today who are so consumed with worldly things that in order for a man to even rate, he needs to have money and be able to supply them with petty things they deem important.

Can I say.... demand people! Demand drives production of even attitude. Perhaps we would see a change in what men put as their priority's if women had a value system that consisted of more than trying to impress other people with how they look or what they own and needing to fit in.

If women were attracted to men that stood for something other than the love of money, like, say our children ....our rights ......we would certainly see a well needed change. We must as women support men in the endeavors of such.

.. ..

Something is missing ......and yes you guessed it, it is God!

If you were to look at the Bible and then at the rack of magazines and compare. One promotes love and security about one's self ...the other promotes self-hatred, jealousy and trivial and unrealistic ideals.

And if you don't possess the money to do as they do.....well you're on your own. Do we truly believe that someone is worthless as a human being because they may be overweight or do not look like people in the magazines?

Can you honestly say that you are not quicker to smile at a pretty lady or a man that pulls up in an expensive car? But why do we do this? Media influences have completely stripped away both men and women's sense of identity and replaced them with a web of self loathing and despair.

So we are in continual pursuit of what they tell us we need, or need to be. You are not the sum of all that you possess but you are the sum of all that you think and do.

True self worth can only come from sacrificing ourselves to God and for others. Through Agape love only.

Think.....when you buy all of those things trying to fulfill yourselves, who is benefiting? You end up being no better off and loving the slave master, not the Master.

Yes, there are some good men out there, I am glad to know. I'm sure it's not easy in the face of all that they are up against.

Today it is not manly to love God, to be loyal, to fight evil or to even just do what is right! Today all of these things are considered just plain CRAZY.

But there are some of us women who actually thinks it's SEXY to see men who are not blind to the evil that surrounds us. I, on behalf of those few women say, Thank you! Thank you for not giving up on what's right and just.

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