Written by Struggling White Male
At Google images, under "white pride," you will find pictures of skinheads and neo Nazis. For "black pride" you will find flags, fists and attractive ladies with Afro haircuts.
Clearly someone doesn't want people of European origin to have a sense of coherent identity.
White Pride is not White Supremicism. The article below is awkward in places but raises an important issue: Is there a place for a European racial consciousness"? Every ethnic group is allowed to organize to protect their interests. Every ethnic group but Europeans.
Last Sunday night, as I was walking down the street with my friends from church, I observed two of the group strangely walking almost hand in hand. It took a couple hours and questioning others to figure out that the tallish, statuesque, Swedish girl and the shorter, two-thirds-her-weight East Asian man were a couple.
This was the result of several things and physical attraction was not one of them. She was able to get a very good job right after university in accounting, receiving the benefits of femalehood in both university and the job market. He comes from wealth and doesn't have to work. She is not interested in men of lesser income. And she is a leader-in-training in a very multi-cultural church and now is taking that "next step" of entering into inter-racial marriage. And he has his trophy white wife. This is the white race fading into oblivion.
The five white guys walking behind her, all struggling to make a living with neither the time nor the money to date, are out of the picture. They are men who can't compete financially and who would ask for submission anyway. But then society turns to us white dudes and points out our options. We can also marry Asian women (or from any other part of the globe)!
But I can't and all because I rejected socialism. Around 20 years ago, I had made the momentous decision to reject socialism for a number of reasons - love of country and concern for national debt, seeing what socialism did to my own family and community, and not wanting so much government control.
But more importantly, I did it for myself to build character, take personal responsibility and stay close to my God. I learned to live life without government services and therefore to live life with family in mind. No longer could I say to a family member (or to myself), "Just go to the doctor." For who was going to pay? If I didn't have the money, then those words could not come out of my mouth.
I started to understand what true maturity and "taking one's place in the community" meant. I actually started to understand many different things, especially Victorian and 19th century American culture.
What surprised me though was that with this understanding I became conscious of my own race and my responsibility to it as an extension of my family unit. I don't consider my own race superior but I do consider its members my first responsibility.
To understand this responsibility here are some questions I ask, directly or indirectly, of the people around me as indicators of racial self-esteem no matter what race they are.
1) Do you consider the opposite sex members of your race to the most beautiful/handsome in the world?
2) Are you concerned about the debt of your race (not country at this point)?
3) Are you willing to sacrifice time,money and strength for your race first?
4) Do you readily admit to the weaknesses/strengths of your race (sloth, drunkenness, physical prowess, intelligence)?
5) Do you consider the language(s) of your race to be worthy of continuation and effort (or is another language more important)?
6) Do you partake/participate in the art of your race (or do you disdain it)?
7) Do you see potential for your race (or must it merge with another race to be successful)?
8) Do you want to live in the same neighbourhood as your race (no matter what problems exist)?
9) Do you buy from your race and support its economy (or do you have more status with others' products)?
10) Do you address the same-sex peers of your race as brothers/sisters?
11) Are you disturbed if the children of your race are adopted by another race?
12) Do you keep up on the politics/cultural changes of your race?
13) If you pray, do you pray for your race first?
Those who engage in inter-racial relationships live for the moment, never considering the past or the future, totally ignoring the struggles and hardships and gains of their race and thumbing their nose at the various levels of authority that exist in every culture. Regrettably I have encouraged couples in the past to enter into such unions.
To show how far we have gone into racial oblivion, I had a strange conversation with non-European psychiatric nurse working in Toronto. She told me to my face that anyone who speaks of sacrifice and country love has mental problems. This is a person capable of making professional judgments and diagnosing people in the eyes of the law. If you had told me years ago when I lived among my own people in the west that I would have a foreigner telling me not to love my own country and that I had psychiatric problems if I did, I would have called you a liar.
In conclusion, I dedicate this article to those men and women of sacrifice from years ago who more and more are appearing as bright shining stars in an increasingly darkening world.
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