The Fix Is On: Election Decided Two Days Before Polls Open
Madison Wisconsin - Breaking News: In yet another twist to this on going saga in Wisconsin, politiscoop.com has been tipped off and given documents by Defending Wisconsin PAC that Prove that the Government Accountability Board has been in on the Supreme Court Election fix since at least April 3, 2011. According to the documents below dated APRIL 3, 2011 Justice Prosser was already granted a new term from 2011-2021 and yet this was two days before voters went to the polls. Is there some Prophet that works down at the GAB that can predict the outcome before it even happens? If so, please oh great one down at the GAB tell us who wins in 2012 and let us know when King Walker will be recalled. Anyone else find this funny? I am sure not laughing. It's not at all funny that King Walker picks his Supreme Court minion by hand, then has a County Clerk pull 7,500 votes out of her nose and last but not least the GAB already making it public 48 hours before.
Interesting math going on in Waukesha it seems that a very high percentage of the voters came out and voted Prosser. It seems 29 hours went by before the incompetent clerk Kathy Nickolaus reported the human error to Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh (Ok just guessing) but she didn't call the GAB, why is that? THEY ALREADY KNEW! Get the word out on this folks, copy/paste click the share button but do not stop sounding this alarm. There is no plausible excuse for this error on the GAB. Is Obama on 2013? I don't see that but again We will hear the excuse but can not stand for it. We need to demand a federal probe into what is going on with our Government. These papers do not lie. Get angry folks. Get Signatures for recall. Get the word out now. If you can not see the pdf below click here to read it
The pdf file is an image copied directly from the GAB website not sent or downloaded from the website.

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