To hear The Donald tell it, he totally trumps President Barack Obama as a messenger and far outweighs Mitt Romney as a businessman.
Riding a surge in the polls recently, Donald Trump let loose on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday, blaming Mr. Obama for soaring oil prices and disparaging Mr. Romney, the former Massachusetts governor and his potential rival for the 2012 Republican nomination, as “basically small business guy.”
Showing his usual flair for letting it rip, Mr. Trump said the U.S. had become “a laughingstock throughout the world” under Mr. Obama.
Were he president, Mr. Trump said, he would force the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries’ major producers to lower oil prices—even though OPEC has no direct control over the price of oil—and would have invaded Libya “to take the oil” and not just to unseat leader Moammar Gadhafi.
When the CNN host, Candy Crowley, expressed dismay over the comment, Mr. Trump elaborated: “I’d take the oil. I’d give them plenty so they can live very happily. I would take the oil.”
He expressed nostalgia for “the old days, when you have a war and you win, that nation is yours.”
The real-estate magnate and potential 2012 candidate has enjoyed a sharp spike in the polls (click here and here) over the last month as average Republicans have cheered his pointed criticisms of President Obama. Contrary to all existing evidence, Mr. Trump has been particularly outspoken in questioning whether Mr. Obama was really born in the U.S.
Nearly all other GOP candidates eyeing a 2012 run have been slow to start blasting their potential Republican rivals. Not so Mr. Trump.
Mr. Trump said it was the respective size of their businesses that would distinguish him from Mr. Romney, the presumptive frontrunner.
“I’m much bigger than this man and have a much, much bigger net worth. I mean my net worth is many, many, many times Mitt Romney,” Mr. Trump
Mr. Trump said that a real upside for him running, if he actually decides to jump in, will be that the world will finally get to see how truly large his business is.
“You will see how big my company is, because it’s much bigger and much more powerful and much stronger than anyone really knows. So you’re going to see how good it is. You’re going to see how strong it is,” he said.
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