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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Quinnipiac Poll: Obama Approval Sinks

The latest Quinnipiac University poll gives President Barack Obama the lowest approval ratings of his presidency, with a majority of Americans saying he does not deserve another term in the White House.
As Mr. Obama gears up for re-election, 48% of American voters disapprove of the job he’s doing while 42% approve of it. The numbers are even worse when it comes to whether he deserves another four-year term in the White House, with 50% saying “no” and 41% saying “yes.”

Both sets of numbers show a steady decline from a Quinnipiac poll on March 3, when his approval ratings split evenly, 46%-46%. This recent batch of polling comes as gas prices are on the rise, unemployment continues to hover around 9% and the U.S. military has intervened in Libya to prevent Col. Moammar Gadhafi from attacking his own people.

The poll showed Mr. Obama running neck and neck with an unnamed Republican (Mr. Obama, 36%, a GOP challenger, 37%.)

The latest Q-poll showed more Americans oppose the U.S. involvement in the NATO-led coalition in Libya than support it, 47%-41%, but they have very mixed feelings. As evidence, 65% of the respondents think the U.S. should use military force to protects civilians from Col. Gadhafi, but they oppose using military force to remove him, 48%-41%.

Much of the poll was conducted before Mr. Obama delivered his speech to the country Monday night in which he defended his decision to commit military resources to the international intervention, but 58% of those polled don’t think the president has articulated a clear goal.

The poll of 2,069 registered voters was conducted between March 22-28, and has a 2.2 percentage point margin of error.

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