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Friday, February 18, 2011

HAITI: Michel Martelly officially opens his campaign in Cap-Haitien

Michele Martelly en compagnie de Mgr Kebreau face à la foule
Haiti: In a festive atmosphere as the candidate of Repon Peyizan Michel Martelly, officially opened his campaign for the second round of presidential and legislative elections in the country's second city.

Michel Martelly, accompanied by hip hop star Wyclef Jean and percussionist Djakout # 1, Shabba, traveled across the Cap-Haitien well before meeting with police and religious authorities of the city. On foot, amid a cheering crowd, the candidate has helped to outline a few dance steps on insistence of the supporters.

The place Notre Dame du Cap Haitien was the place chosen by Michel Martelly to hold its meeting. Before a huge crowd, its cause, the former singer Sweet Micky, in his first words, thanked the people, because, as the candidate without the support of the latter, it would not be present on this place.

"My program for the first 100 days of my government is ready, and that for 5 years will be ready in a week," said Michel Martelly is said surrounded by experts in all areas to provide the necessary solutions to problems the country. The first challenge he has observed, is to offer after his five-year free education throughout the territory.

"My only alliance is with the Haitian people," said the candidate, but said it remains open arms, ready to accommodate qualified individuals who would like to join our team. This statement is like to cut short the rumors about possible alliances with other political groupings. And he took his rival to index NPDR, which he represents continuity INIT: "Who said Manigat said Preval, dropped the microphone Martelly journalists.

About his past and his words known to all trivial, he says he does not understand the reason for all this destruction around him saw that the same people who took pleasure in repeating stigmatize him with what he said in his balls. The candidate wants the other as the campaign for the second round is imbued with mutual respect and brotherhood.

Martelly said he was confident about its victory to run for the highest office of the state and asked his supporters and sympathizers not to indulge in despondency. He advises them on election day, to go to the polls by the thousands while monitoring their vote.

And now, with the official opening of the campaign, all eyes are on the Sunday, March 20, 2011, when the Haitian people will have to complete the parliament and choose between Martelly and Ms. Manigat, the next tenant of the National Palace.

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