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Monday, January 31, 2011

HAITI: The iron market reopens on Monday, Digicel already has other projects in downtown

Rebuilt by Digicel, the iron market reopens on Monday. The phone company will contribute for an undetermined number of years to finance the maintenance of the market and will launch new work downtown to increase public facilities for sale.

After being affected by fire in 2008, devastated by the earthquake of January 12, 2010, the Iron Market, completely rebuilt by Digicel, reopens its doors on Monday, told The Nouvelliste.
"The selection of malls is complete, the last finished work, everything is ready for official opening on Monday," said Nouvelliste an official of the telecommunications company that accompanies the project as it had never done for a public facility.
Maarten Boute, CEO of Digicel, on vacation in France, joined by Le Nouvel said he was pleased with the turn of events less than a year after the initiation of work in Port-au-Prince demolished by the earthquake earth.
"The renovation market was a huge project and we have the challenge to get to complete this project on our promise of time and result. In parallel, we worked with the Mary of Port au Prince on sustainable management long-term market. Allocation in as transparent merchant (s) is one. "
According to this learned The News, Digicel will remain a partner of the mayor of Port-au-Prince for many years to ensure that the market originally built in the late 19th century by President Hyppolite receive Florvil maintenance times and is managed in the state of the art.
Maarten Boute even specifies that the company Digicel will post a monthly allowance available to the market to ensure that nothing is missed.
In terms of marketability, Digicel officials state that "All merchant (s) must report to their association to market their rights, the leaders of their organizations focus their grievances before a commission composed of Members of the Mary, Digicel and representatives of associations. All complaints will be analyzed in detail.
Since the reconstruction of the market the amount of people who are as old iron merchant Market is phenomenal and is a real headache. The situation is compounded by the fact that the architectural choice arrested with ISPAN has removed the market two concrete slabs that had allowed in the 70 to increase the surface area of the iron market. Today, there is room for fewer seats to sell.
To continue to help fill the lack of formal structures for markets in downtown Port-au-Prince, Digicel is already negotiating the purchase of new land, we have learned.
"Right now, we have built over 220 semi-permanent seats, waiting for bigger projects," said Nouvelliste CEO of the company.
Reconstruction of the iron market, "said Valliere Market, Market Hyppolite said was made possible through funding decided by the owner of the mobile phone company Digicel, the Irishman Denis O'Brien. This identical restoration, conducted at the request of the mayor of Port-au-Prince and under the technical supervision of the Institute for the Protection of National Heritage (ISPAN), "cost more than 12 million Americans," had said the CEO of Digicel, Maarten Boute, during the inauguration ceremony of the market, Tuesday, January 11.

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