A few weeks ago, Barack Obama gave a speech to his faithful followers critical of the tea-party movement.
"I've been a little amused over the last couple of days where people have been having these rallies about taxes," he said to guffaws. "You would think they would be saying thank you. That's what you'd think."
Of course, Obama has done nothing as president about taxes or spending to warrant thanks from any taxpayer in America. Driving up deficits, expanding government's role in the lives of the people and killing America's free-enterprise job-producing machine represents nothing for which productive, hard-working Americans should be grateful.
Nevertheless, the Obama administration vilifies those who peacefully stand up for the Constitution, for America's traditional commitment to limited government, self-government and entrepreneurialism. His Cabinet members and hispolitical allies screech about their alleged racism, their potential for violence and extremism and their fantasies about "conspiracy theories."
Contrast Obama's willingness to go toe-to-toe with millions of Americans who peacefully petition the government for redress of grievances with his unwillingness to utter even the name of an enemy incessantly threatening, attacking and terrorizing the people of the United States.
Obama's not reluctant to profile the tea-party crowd. Obama's not reluctant to smear loyal Americans with whom he haspolitical disagreements. Obama's not reluctant to name names and identify his political opponents.
Yet he is either too cowardly to point out the common denominator between all those who seek to kill, maim and terrorize American civilians or thinks it's better policy to appease them.
I refer, of course, to the jihadists, the Shariah revolutionaries who seek to destroy the U.S. and the rest of the free world and subject it to Islamic rule.
Have you ever heard Obama condemn Islamo-fascism, Islamic terrorism, jihadist violence or the Shariah revolution?
Of course you haven't.
Under no circumstances will anyone in his administration suggest devotion to the literal words of the Quran has any connection to Fort Hood, to 9/11 or to any of the other more recent jihadist attacks on the U.S. mainland.
These are just lone wolves, he says.
They're "one-offs."
There's no conspiracy at work here – even though the plots involve participants in multiple countries.
Obama doesn't see these attacks as coordinated.
He doesn't recognize the ideology behind them.
When it comes to a genuine menace to the safety of Americans, a pattern of genuine violent attacks on our country, an out-in-the-open, worldwide movement to destroy America and our way of life, Obama is deaf, dumb and blind.
Worse than that, he is an enabler. He is an appeaser of the highest order. He is Neville Chamberlain – if not worse. No, I'll say it – he is worse!
What can you say about a president of the United States, whose primary responsibility and commitment is supposed to be to the safety and security of the American people, who, when it comes to the most overt and open threat, sees no evil, hears no evil and speaks no evil.
It doesn't make sense to me that Obama expects thanks from the tea-party movement.
But, if anyone should be thanking him for his treatment and his policies, it is our most vociferous and outspoken and active enemy in the world today – the Islamo-fascist thugs who continue to attack America at every turn.
To paraphrase Obama himself, "You would think they would be saying thank you. That's what you'd think."
Indeed, that is what you'd think – that Obama's Islamo-fascist, Muslim mafia friends would be ever so grateful for kind words, his oversight of atrocities, his turn-the-other-cheek conciliation. Yet, attacks continue. Despite all the endearing words, Hamas and Hezbollah still hate us. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad continues to pursue Iran's nuclear weapons. Osama bin Laden and the Taliban have not laid down their arms.
It seems like nobody is grateful to Obama for all he has done for them.
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