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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Don’t Tread On Me: A Refresher Course on the Constitution

America is in the midst of a political revolution of the sort the country has not experienced since 1776. From the growing Tea Party taking root in every corner of the nation to the demands for states’ rights and calls for nullification and even secession, a large number of Americans are now demanding a return the constitutional republic established by the founders.
Don’t Tread On Me: Rise of the Republic, the latest documentary by William Lewis and Gary Franchi, is a primer and refresher course on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. It details the Commerce Clause, defines our once cherished sovereignty, explains the purpose of the constitutional militias, and much more. The film offers solutions on how the people can best take back rights hijacked and nullified by the federal government.
Our rulers in the district of bankster criminals in Washington will declare Don’t Tread On Me: Rise of the Republic the work of traitors the same way agents of the crown declared revolutionary pamphleteers and town criers traitors in the 1770s.
The time is rapidly approaching when the question must be asked: What side of the line will you stand?

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